en      pl

The form of presentation of the work

The work submitted for the oral sessions and the poster presentation
(the original study, the case studies, the literature review )
The summary of the work presented during the conference should be prepared in Polish and English. Abstracts in both languages must be consistent in terms of content. The abstract contains: no more than 300 words for original papers, and no more than 200 words for the literature review and the case studies .
The summary of the work, both in Polish and in English, should contain:
• The Title of the work
• Author (s): Surname and first name with a number in the form of a superscript referring to the unit to which the work affiliation was assigned, eg: Kowalska Anna 1, Nowak Anna 2
• The name of the unit (s) to which affiliation it has been assigned to according to the order of the authors, e.g .:
◦ 1 Institute of Obstetrics and Nursing, Collegium Medicum, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
◦ 2 Department of General, Oncological and Endocrinological Surgery, Provincial Integrated Hospital in Kielce
• Summary text as follows
Aim of the study:
Material and methods:

Key words (no more than 5 words from the MeSH dictionary) should be placed under the abstracts in both languages.
Editorial notes:
The text of the abstract should be prepared using Microsoft Word, Times New Roman (TNR) font, size 12, line spacing 1.5; margins of 2.5 cm; paragraphs should be marked with clear indents (tabs).
The text highlights only: the title of the work (bold text, i.e. bold) and the names of affiliated units (italics, i.e. italics, TNR font, size 10 points)
